Folgende EMail heute bekommen die ich nicht zuordnen kann. Kann mir jemand sagen was das bedeutet?

Name: cohen nathan
Email: [email protected]


I tried calling you several times today, and I\’m not getting
through for some reason.

If your website does not have many Facebook Likes, why would
someone visit your Facebook Fanpage?
People Like you when other people like you. The more poeple
that FB LIKE your website and fanpage, the credibility you
will have with new visitors. It works the same for Twitter,
when people visit your website and see you have alot of
Twitter Followers, they now want to follow you too. They
too now what to know what all the hype is and why all those
people are following you.

Please visit my site, I could help you out a lot.
I have a small office out here in silicon Valley
and I\’m just trying to make a name for myself.

Cohen Nathan
1472 Murpy Ave, Ste 213
San Jose, CA 95121

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