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Transaction ID: 73OHD76ZW4TCPIH1N

You sent a payment of $149.49 USD to Raul Atkinson ([email protected])
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It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
Raul Atkinson
[email protected] Note to seller
You haven’t included a note.
Shipping address – unconfirmed
MARIBEL, PA 47596-1712
United States
Shipping details
USPS Priority Mail
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Baume & Mercier Men’s 45858 Capeland Silver Chronograph Dial Watch
Item# 420680856930 $149.49 USD 1 $149.49 USD

Shipping and handling $0.00 USD
Insurance – not offered —-
Total $149.49 USD
Payment $149.49 USD
Charge will appear on your credit card statement as PAYPAL Raul Atkinson
Payment sent to [email protected]
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You have 45 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center.

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PayPal Email ID PP539

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