I am Eugenia from Petrozavodsk, Russia…

Eine Spammail von einer Eugenia die wohl IT Spezialistin sein soll. Die Mail bekam ich mehrfach an unterschiedliche Accounts.

Good morning,

I am Eugenia from Petrozavodsk, Russia; an IT specialist by profession and belong to an upper middle class family.
Both my parents are engineers and they have brought me up in a liberal way giving enough freedom for my thoughts and actions.
Many have criticized them for that, but in my case, it did me only good and I grew up to be a free thinking, liberal yet well-mannered and established in life individual.
Only thing lacking in my life is the need of a loving life partner.
My life is so busy in the computer labs of my software firm that I don’t get time to mingle up with others in night clubs and other social events like my friends.
So I was left behind in personal life. Then I came through this premium dating and friendship website whose primary aim is to make suitable people meet each other and make a family of their own.
Though yet I haven’t met my love here, I am fully satisfied with this website as it has given me some exposure as to what I am to expect in the future.
I have made many new friends both girls and men and now I have a clear idea on what sort of a man I want in my life.

So if you are also in search of a life partner, join this website by clicking here and make sure to meet me and I assure you that we will have wonderful and interesting conversations and decide on our future.

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